Upcoming Elections:
June 17, 2025 - Primary Election in Virginia
November 3, 2026 - Midterm Election
January 20, 2028 - Presidential Election
The Auditorium is booked the entire month of February.
Feb 8th- Black History Month Celebration in the Museum and Auditorium. Program begins at 10 am. Program will Feature Keynote Speaker Dr. Lawrence Bolar, Counselor, Author, and Educator. Music by Chancellor Middle School Concert Choir, Directed by Ms. Chennon Radford. This program is free and open to the public.
Feb 15th--Black History Month Celebration- Sunday School Union in their Ross Building at the SSSU Park Site.
Divine 9 Exhibit in the Museum
Feb 22nd-Women in History
and SSSU Executive Board Meeting in the Conference Room 10 am -11:30 am.​​​